Coaching is about creating Customized Goals that align with what YOU really want.

Each coaching relationship is uniquely designed between coach and client during an initial Discovery Session.  This design helps us focus our time to best get the work done.


You are actively involved in the process

You are not “broken”, and I am not here to “fix” you. I expect that you engage in this partnership with an open mind, a readiness to be honest with yourself, energy to dig deeper, and a willingness to challenge your existing beliefs and habits.


You’ll receive valuable Support and Accountability

Throughout our sessions, we’ll methodically explore your values, your goals, what is standing between you and your best life, and what you need in order to get to where you truly want to be.  I will gently (or firmly!) challenge you to try on new perspectives, I will help you identify what matters most (and what you can let go of), and I will hold you accountable, as designed by us.   

“Coaching is: partnering with individuals in a thought-provoking, creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” 

-International Coaching Federation

Want to connect to see how I can support you?

Book a FREE Consultation to discuss your next transition and to see if we are a good fit to work together. Book a time now.

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